Sunday, 1 January 2012

Happy New Year!

I'd just like to say a happy new year to everyone who reads my blog.  I hope it'll be filled with good times! :)

As far as New Years Resolutions go I don't normally take them very seriously.  This year however I'm going to stop taking on unnecessary shows at uni and start blogging more regularly.  In other news I'm also planning to set up an Etsy shop selling jewellery (more news on that soon) and it wouldn't be New Years without the cliche resolution to lose some weight! ;)

For something a little different to the traditional Auld Lang Syne I've put on this as one of the first songs I've listened to in 2012.  It's from the musical Rent, if you haven't seen it then I suggest you go and get the film of it right now!

On another note I've put up a poll on the left hand side, it'd be great if you could participate!

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