Saturday, 3 September 2011

Pizza braid

Oh how I love stumble.  I found this a couple of days ago and just made one! (It's in the oven, quite excited!!!)

It's a pretty cool twist on a normal pizza.  One tip though, before putting your fillings on the dough and braiding it put it on the baking tray.  You do not want to go through what I just did...

Will post pictures of my attempt at this once it's cooked!

1 comment:

  1. I just discovered StumbleUpon, even though I've known about it for years. I just never took the time to understand what the hell it was.

    But I stumbled upon this a few days ago, too. It's in my recipe folder in my Favorites Bar on my computer now. Since it's an online recipe, it'll go toward my '101 in 1001' Day Zero list I'm doing on my site.

    Tell us how it was.


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